What I learned this week


echo $? will return the exit status of last command.

I was manually creating a test-RDS instance running Postgres in the AWS console… if you don’t find a small area in the additional configuration section where it says “Specify a Database Name” [This is optional]… it won’t create a database.

Date +%s on my mac to show time since epoch

Been using tmux for long running tasks on my dev desk. I hadn’t realized it spawns a new procss ps aux | grep tmux, makes it really useful.

[Go learning] (https://go.dev/tour/welcome/1)

awscurl is pretty nifty, used it for the first time.

git restore --staged directory/ to unstage all files from a commit in a specific directory


REI lost ~300MM dollars last year.


The Tea Experiment


Anello - Tucson (Excellent pizza and chocolate tart)

Other places I want to try: Cherry Blossom and El Torero


Had a friend who now lives in Spain stay with us in Tucson, which was quite nice. I was reminded of how great Mt.Lemon is even when most think its too hot to go outside in Tucson.

Sat in on a med school class and listened to a friend’s mom, Dr. for 30 years, give a pep talk to a bunch of first year med students.

Been calling old friends and talking on the phone. They are typically good conversations, most of them over-due, and always welcome. Not sure why I haven’t done this… maybe its just out of mind as you never see this people in person.

Gave a kirkland sports drink to a security guard, they actually make a decent sports drink… I would drink it over gatorade.