What I learned this week 09-28-2024
What I learned this week⌗
TMUX after creating a new session tmux new -s gvbackfill
Split window vertically CTRL + B, #
Split window horizontally CTRL + B, : and then type split-window
Switch window CTRL + B and arrow key
AWS Athena is based on Trino, I don’t know why I never know this, but yeah I guess it is.
Plain text… SMH
Imports dont subtract from GDP
Interesting Links⌗
Thinkig about what I’d like to do for MTA open data challenge I’m thinking something related to buses… maybe something with the fastest bus?
Megalopolis was one of the worst movies I’ve ever watched. I understand its trying to do something, but… wow!
Movies I’ve enjoyed recently: The Killing Fields & At Close Range
Movies I want: to watch: Dante’s Peak and At Rivers Edge
I tried making Tomato Jam… but I kind of just made ketchup. I made some Pumpkin Spice Coffee Cakes with my friend Lauren and they turned out pretty well even though we kind of mixed the flour too soon.
I want to try and make Norwegian crisp bread.