What I learned this week 09-14-2024

What I learned this week Software IEEE 754 on floating point numbers “If you want to know what’s actually reflected in your data, you may need to profile it. Needles in haystacks aren’t revealed by “select * from haystack limit 100”. You’ll probably just get 100 rows of hay.” Business/Finance Walgreens Debt Burden apparently a lot of their fundamental real estate is leased. Interesting Links How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one?
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What I learned this week 09-07-2024

What I learned this week Software RAND(1) Does not throw an error in Redshift SQL but RANDOM(1) does. I can’t find any info on RAND echo "temp/" >> .gitignore untrack a folder git reset HEAD^ reset to previous commit Business/Finance Interesting Links Tetris SQL Math/Stats Cosine Similarity Travel Other “I wish I learned sooner that being the new guy has a lot of perks” – Some guy
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What I learned this week 08-31-2024

What I learned this week Software echo $? will return the exit status of last command. I was manually creating a test-RDS instance running Postgres in the AWS console… if you don’t find a small area in the additional configuration section where it says “Specify a Database Name” [This is optional]… it won’t create a database. Date +%s on my mac to show time since epoch Been using tmux for long running tasks on my dev desk.
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What I learned this week 08-24-2024

What I learned this week I’ve decided to build a habit around recording interesting things I learn/refresh my memory on each week. I believe this will be a collection of random facts, statements, and quotes. I’ll attempt to organize them into broad categories, and add categories as the week goes on. I have no idea what does/does not make the cut of being included it will mostly be random, at least for now.
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