What I learned this week 02-01-2025

What I learned this week Software To obtain only the remote URL of a local repo: git config –get remote.origin.url Can also remove and add a new origin: git remote remove origin git remote add origin Nice explain plan visualizer Go Daddy infosec issues Business/Finance Interesting Links IRS auctions Math/Stats Travel Other
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What I learned this week 01-25-2025

What I learned this week Software Splitting network into two subnets to make life miserable for wifi stealers Redshift max recursion rows is defaults to 50,000,000 SHOW max_recursion_rows;. Seems like this is actual recursion count not rows… Testing out with the following code: WITH RECURSIVE digits(d) AS ( SELECT 1 AS d UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9 UNION ALL SELECT 0 ), integers(i) AS ( SELECT d FROM digits /* / UNION ALL / / SELECT i + 1 AS next_i FROM integers WHERE i < 50000800 ) SELECT min(i), max(i), COUNT() FROM integers; We get: min max count 0 50,000,800 500,007,965
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What I learned this week 01-18-2025

What I learned this week Software uV is the way Cute namesapce Zine Great explanation of a Hash Join from the cofounder of DBT back in 2018 Business/Finance Bad Econ of WTF happened in 1971 Interesting Links Math/Stats Travel Other Since 1989, Kenny G’s recording “Going Home” from the Kenny G Live album has become an unconventional mega-hit throughout China.
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What I learned this week 01-11-2025

What I learned this week Software Symbolic Linking is pretty cool: ln -s /Users/iamsam/Desktop/symlinkorigin.txt /Users/iamsam/Desktop/symlinkdest.txt Can set up a file to point to another file… Xcancel is an instance of Nitter. Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy and performance. The source is available on GitHub at https://github.com/zedeus/nitter No JavaScript or ads All requests go through the backend, client never talks to Twitter Prevents Twitter from tracking your IP or JavaScript fingerprint Uses Twitter’s unofficial API (no rate limits or developer account required) Lightweight (for @nim_lang, 60KB vs 784KB from twitter.
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What I learned this week 01-04-2025

What I learned this week Software Couldn’t find where Datagrip stores its live templates. find / -name templates and it is here: /System/Volumes/Data/Users/my_user/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/DataGrip2024.1/templates stored as xml. If you’re striuggling to find your local templates you can use find from a parent directory find / -name templates Great overview of all that goes into a fab Andy’s overview of DBs in 2024 Business/Finance I wasn’t familiar with this ev start up until now
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